Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm whitening my home. :o(
I have taken some days off to do that, and I'm more tired than I usually am when I go to work. But I'm happy to have a new and fresh atmosphere and, most importantly, I have been forced to clean out all of the clutter and I have made space!
I haven't had time to check Etsy and the forums on these days, but I know I have been on the FP more than once because I had many visits and many more hearts. And for the first time I managed to grab a screenshot! So, many thanks to devotees, my hand painted mug is very happy now. :o)

Btw, devotees sells some very nice shirts, I especially love the deer.
I suppose I have been on the FP at least a second time thanks to some EST girl: I don't know who she is, but thank you so much, my Cremino soap have reached over 480 visits and has been sold today!

1 comment:

StaroftheEast said...

Congrats on the frontpage!! Always a great feeling :)