Sunday, June 8, 2008

Out of synchrony

I'm always out of synchrony. I start writing a post, then I find something else to do, days pass by and my post is already old.
So, this is what I would have liked to post last Tuesday.

It has been a sunny day here today! A great improvement from the last two raining weeks. And for the first time I am at home and it doesn't rain!
(and now it's raining again, strange isn't it? After all it has been raining for the entire month only, this country is becoming a rainforest...Star, please, don't say anything :o) I know, the water is precious and within a month I'll be here complaining about a too hot summer, but I'm sorry, now I can't take it anymore!)
Sun always makes me full of energy, so I made a lot of things today!

  • I did a lot of washing
  • I made a new honey soap
  • I managed to collect some fresh grass for my rabbits and gpigs
  • I decided how to make my page for our EST book (and now I already changed my mind...)
  • I went grocery shopping.
I bought the most big and beautiful bunch of basil ever, and I made a special dinner: spätzle, green beans, potatoes and pesto . :o) I know, it's not an orthodox recipe, it surely isn't a recipe from Milan, I make spätzle the wrong way (I don't use eggs) and probably I'm the only one on the earth serving spätzle with pesto, but I enjoy trying new combinations and nobody ever complained about my spätzle, so I presume they are not so bad! In fact we like them very much. I usually make spätzle and pesto by myself. Do you know pesto, don't you? I don't use a marble mortar and a pestle to make pesto, too laborious to me. I use a simple grinder to mince basil, parmigiano, pecorino, garlic and pine nuts together and then I add extra virgin olive oil. I add a little bit of milk too, but this is only one of my strange additions! I steam green beans and potatoes, then I cook spätzle and at the end I combine them all with pesto.

No pictures this time, I'm sorry, spätzle have been eaten at once! :o)


Anonymous said...

Njummie! Can I come over for dinner?? I love experimental cooking. It is all I know how...LOL

Burroparda said...

Surely you can Inger! I'm looking forward to seeing you! :oD

StaroftheEast said...

Ha haa haaaaa :D
I'm still laughing here....
Okey I won't say a word about the rain :) I wish you alot of sunny days and rainy nights :D
I love pesto, your recipe sunds great!

StaroftheEast said...

Oh my I was now filling in our users name and instead of star of the east I was writting star of the rain....

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

What is spätzle? A kind of pasta?

Burroparda said...

@Art: yes, spätzle are a kind of pasta, you can take a look here:

@Star of the rain: I'd like to be able to pack the rain and to send a whole bunch to you! :oD